Pedigree chart Ingemar Svensson


Born 1757 1 .
Ingemar Svensson
Born 1757 1 .



Born 1757 1 .

Relationships and children

Relationship with Catharina Johansdotter. Born 1759 1 .
Johan Ingemarsson. rightarrow.png Born 1788-09-19 in Öja Söfringsgård, Öja (G) 2 3 4 .
  1. Öja (G) AI:3 (1788-1799) Bild 119 / sid 223
  2. Öja (G) C:2 (1775-1860) Bild 32 / sid 55
  3. Öja (G) C:3 (1792-1855) Bild 37 / sid 65
  4. Öja (G) AI:5 (1812-1829) Bild 18 / sid 8

Created 2023-11-15 by Allan Ljungstedt using Disgen version 2023.
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