Pedigree chart Mathis Mattsison


Born 1799-01-19 in Lega, Rödeby (K) 1 .
Mathis Mattsison
Born 1799-01-19 in Lega, Rödeby (K) 1 .

F Mattis Jönsson.
Born Beräknat between 1767 and 1771 2 .
Died 3 .

M Kerstin Håkansdotter.
Born Beräknat between 1768 and 1772 3 2 .



Born 1799-01-19 in Lega, Rödeby (K) 1 .
  1. Rödeby (K) CI:4 (1771-1846) Bild 1850 / sid 365
  2. Rödeby (K) AI:4 (1808-1812) Bild 31 / sid 275
  3. Rödeby (K) CI:4 (1771-1846) Bild 2510 / Sida 497

Created 2023-11-15 by Allan Ljungstedt using Disgen version 2023.
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